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Freight Comparison

Freight Comparison facility under 3C’s Services of Logistics Bazaar Pvt Ltd. allow user to instantly see the list of current available rates in market on single click. This Service allow user to see the multiple freight options from multiple vendors without any partiality which fasten the decision process of Exporter-Importer during logistic planning. It also reduce the average response time of logistics industry from 18 Hours to 18 Seconds for standard quotation.

Freight Comparison Service of Logistic Bazaar Pvt Ltd. give transparent and equal chance to all size of user to Buy or Sell the Logistic services without any doubt. This service allow Seller to reach out to maximum number of buyer with his quote and buyer got a chance to choose best quote from the multiple choice.

Types of Freight Comparison
  1. 1. Air Freight (EXIM)
  2. 2. Sea Freight (EXIM).
  3. 3. Surface Transportation.
  4. 4. Custom Clearance Services.
  5. 5. Warehouse and other Services.
How to View Tariff Rate

Step 1 login to www.logisticsbazaar.com
Step 2 Go to 3C’S Service option in your Dashboard.
Step 3 Click on the Freight Comparison Button available in 3C’S option.
Step 4 Click the Category of Freight Rate Comparison option from the list.
Step 5 Fill the FORM with required shipment or cargo details and click on Submit button.
Step 6 Choose the best suitable rate option from the list for your cargo and click on BOOK button.